Friday, June 28, 2024

Lonely Planet

Planning a trip? Go to Lonely Planet to search for things to do, places to go, and sights to see. You can search by destination, read stories, and get the best advice from seasoned travelers. Click here to begin your search. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Learn something new everyday when you visit Smartful. According to the About section, "Smartful provides a daily dose of knowledge on a variety of topics." One sample day found sections on a word, idiom, fun facts, an artist, historical figure, a historical event, and a quote. Click here or the picture to give it a try.

Monday, June 24, 2024


 Wordle is a simple but challenging word game that has gained a huge following. Built by Josh Wardle, a software engineer in Brooklyn, and now owned by The New York Times, the game can only be played once a day. The object of the game is to guess a five letter word in six attempts. Clues are given along the way as colored tiles. Green means a letter is in the correct place, tan means the letter is in the word but in the wrong place. You get the idea. Click here to play, but be warned, the game is addictive.

Friday, June 21, 2024


Enjoy comics? Get your fill of  hundreds of  humorous ones at GoComics. You can find familiar classics such as The Far Side, Calvin and Hobbes, Ziggy, and many more. It is free to look, but there is a premium membership available. Click here to laugh.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024


There's just so much on this site, you can click links forever. There are news sources, daily diversions, reference tools, just for fun category, and so much more. Browse to your heart's content, or use it to start your search for specific content. Click here to visit Refdesk. 

Monday, June 17, 2024

Here's a look back at some of AGT'S favorite comedians of 2018.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Our Favorite Videos

Discover some interesting videos at Our Favorite Videos. Watch, and read the backstories of some amazing videos in a variety of categories. You might find some YouTube channels you'll want to check out more of their videos.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Learn some basic Italian words and phrases in a section entitled Quick Fix, under the Languages heading on the BBC's website. You'll learn yes, no, I need help, and nine other words or phrases. You can see the words in Italian and English, and also hear them spoken. Click here to learn. If you prefer a course that makes learning a foreign language more like a game, click here for Duolingo, and give it a try.

Monday, June 10, 2024

We just had to post this one again. Take the quiz and learn to recognize poison ivy. Summer is almost here, and you need to get prepared. Click here to take the quiz.